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To use our Services, you need compatible hardware, software (latest version recommended and sometimes required) and Internet access (fees may apply).

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By creating an account for use of the Services in a particular country or territory you are specifying it as your Home Country. Our Services are available for your use in your country or territory of residence (“Home Country”). Content may be offered through the Services by Apple or a third party. This Agreement governs your use of Apple’s services (“Services” – e.g., and where available, App Store, Apple Arcade, Apple Books, Apple Fitness+, Apple Music, Apple News, Apple News+, Apple One, Apple Podcasts, Apple Podcasts Subscriptions, Apple TV, Apple TV+, Apple TV Channels, Game Center, iTunes), through which you can buy, get, license, rent or subscribe to content, Apps (as defined below), and other in-app services (collectively, “Content”). ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR APP STORE, APPLE BOOKS, APPLE PODCASTS, AND SELECT CONTENT These terms and conditions create a contract between you and Apple (the “Agreement”).

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